Gode ressourcer til at lære mere om porno
Her samler vi en række artikler, videoer, podcasts og bøger, som har været en hjælp for os til at forstå hvordan porno påvirker os, og hvordan vi kan opnå vores ønske om at få det til at fylde mindre. Vores håb er, at de også kan hjælpe dig. Hvis du synes vi mangler noget, så skriv endelig til os!
Brain, Heart, World (Fight The New Drug)
"A documentary series. Discover the Harmful Effects of Pornography."
TEDx Talk: The Great Porn Experiment (Gary Wilson, 2012)
"Gary Wilson asks whether our brains evolved to handle the hyperstimulation of today's Internet enticements. He also discusses the disturbing symptoms showing up in some heavy Internet users, the surprising reversal of those symptoms, and the science behind these 21st century phenomena."
Podcast: Overcome Pornography for Good (Sara Brewer)
"This podcast is for anyone who wants to overcome pornography for good. It will teach you about your brain and how to completely quit a pornography habit, 100% shame-free. If your ideal life doesn't include a porn habit, then this is the show for you."
TEDx Talks: Escaping Porn Addiction (Eli Nash, 2019)
"Sharing our hardships moves us through shame and into healing. As Eli held the details of his own abuse secret for many years, he is now passionate about empowering others to speak up and to use their voice to be an agent of change in their communities."
The Easy Peasy Way To Quit Porn
"easypeasy will enable you to quit pornography immediately, painlessly and permanently, without willpower or any sense of deprivation or sacrifice."
Denne bog har en lidt anderledes tilgang til pornoafhængighed, men kan være en stor hjælp til at stoppe. Den er dog primært for dem, som ønsker at stoppe helt med at se porno, da den er meget entydig om at det er den bedste vej. Bogen er baseret på Allen Carrs Easy Way To Stop Smoking, men er ændret til at handle om pornoafhængighed.